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The hooks configuration allow you to run commands or set environment variables before (pre-hooks) and after (post-hooks) workflows. Pre and post hooks are only executed a single time during a Terrateam operation. Commands are executed from the repository checkout directory $TERRATEAM_ROOT.

Default Configuration

pre: []
post: []
pre: []
post: []
pre: []
post: []


allObjectPre and post hooks for all operations.
planObjectPre and post hooks for plan operations.
applyObjectPre and post hooks for apply operations.

Hook Types


The env hook type allows you to set environment variables that will be available during the Terrateam operation.


nameStringName of the environment variable.
cmdListCommand to use to set the environment variable.
trim_trailing_newlinesBooleanTrim trailing newlines. Default is true.
sensitiveBooleanSpecify if the value of the environment variable is sensitive. It will be masked in all output. Default: false.

Source Method

methodStringMust be set to source.
cmdListCommand or script to execute that exports environment variables.
sensitiveBooleanIndicates whether the environment variables modified by the script are sensitive. If true, they will be masked in all output. Default: false.


The run hook type executes a command from the directory that Terrateam is operating against.

cmdListCommand to run.
run_onStringRun the command depending on the state of the workflow. Options are success, failure, or always. Default is success.
capture_outputBooleanWhen set to true, command output is recorded. Secrets are masked with ***. Default is true.
envObjectEnvironment variables to set for this execution. Object keys are environment variable names and the value is a string.
ignore_errorsBooleanSet to true if failure should be ignored. Default is false.
visible_onStringWhen the output of the command should be visible in a PR comment or the UI. Options are always, failure, success. Default is failure.


The oidc hook type can be used to initiate an OIDC connection to a cloud provider.

oidcListInitiate an OIDC connection to a cloud provider.
providerStringName of provider: aws or gcp.
role_arnStringawsSpecifies the ARN of an IAM role that you want to use. Value can be specified using a GitHub Secret / environment variable.
assume_role_arnStringawsSpecifies the ARN of an IAM role that you want to assume into. Default is the value of role_arn. Value can be specified using a GitHub Secret / environment variable.
assume_role_enabledBooleanawsRetrieve a set of temporary security credentials from AWS and set the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, and AWS_SESSION_TOKEN environment variables. Default is true.
audienceStringawsSpecifies the AWS audience name to use. Default is Value can be specified using a GitHub Secret / environment variable.
regionStringawsSpecifies the AWS region to use and sets the AWS_REGION environment variable. Default is us-east-1.
session_nameStringawsSpecifies the AWS session name. Default is terrateam.
durationIntegerawsSpecifies the AWS session duration in seconds. Default is 3600.
service_accountStringgcpEmail address or unique identifier of the Google Cloud service account for which to generate credentials. Value can be specified using a GitHub Secret / environment variable.
workload_identity_providerStringgcpThe full identifier of the Workload Identity Provider, including the project number, pool name, and provider name. Value can be specified using a GitHub Secret / environment variable.
access_token_lifetimeIntegergcpDesired lifetime duration of the access token, in seconds. Default is 3600.
audienceStringgcpSpecifies the GCP audience name to use. Default is + workload_identity_provider.
access_token_subjectStringgcpEmail address of a user to impersonate for Domain-Wide Delegation. Value can be specified using a GitHub Secret / environment variable.


Setting Environment Variables

You can use the env hook type to set environment variables that will be available during the Terrateam operation.

- type: env
name: TF_VAR_example
cmd: ['echo', 'example_value']

This pre-hook for the plan operation sets the TF_VAR_example environment variable to example_value.

Running Scripts

The run hook type allows you to execute scripts or commands before or after Terrateam operations.

- type: run
cmd: ['./']
run_on: always

This post-hook for the apply operation runs the script, regardless of the operation’s success or failure (run_on: always).

AWS OIDC Authentication

- type: oidc
provider: aws
role_arn: ${AWS_ROLE_ARN}

This pre-hook for all operations initiates an OIDC connection to AWS using the role ARN specified in the AWS_ROLE_ARN environment variable.

GCP OIDC Authentication

- type: oidc
provider: gcp
service_account: ${GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT}
workload_identity_provider: ${GCP_WORKLOAD_IDENTITY_PROVIDER}

This pre-hook for all operations initiates an OIDC connection to GCP using the service account and workload identity provider specified in the GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT and GCP_WORKLOAD_IDENTITY_PROVIDER environment variables.


When using hooks in your Terrateam configuration, keep the following considerations in mind:

  • Hooks are executed in the order they are defined within each section (pre or post) and each operation type (all, plan, or apply).
  • Pre-hooks are executed before the corresponding workflow steps, while post-hooks are executed after the workflow steps.
  • Hooks can significantly impact the execution time of your Terrateam operations, especially if they involve long-running commands or scripts. Be mindful of the performance implications when configuring hooks.
  • Hooks have access to the repository checkout directory ($TERRATEAM_ROOT) and can modify files within that directory. Ensure that your hooks are carefully tested and do not unintentionally modify or delete important files.
  • When using the run hook type, make sure that the specified command or script is available and executable within the Terrateam environment. Consider using absolute paths or ensuring that the necessary dependencies are installed.
  • Be cautious when using the capture_output option with the run hook type, as it may expose sensitive information in the GitHub pull request comment if the command fails. Ensure that you properly sanitize or mask any sensitive data before enabling this option.
  • When setting environment variables using the env hook type, be aware that the values will be visible in the Terrateam logs and may be accessible to other hooks or workflow steps. Avoid storing sensitive information directly in the hook configuration.
  • If you need to use sensitive information in your hooks, consider using GitHub Secrets or other secure methods to store and retrieve the values.